i'm so excited about this...
after 8 years in our little one bedroom apartment...
we're moving.
we're MOVING!
just a few blocks away, to a perfect little fourplex. we'll have a yard! while that's definitely the most exciting part of it, almost equally exciting is we'll have our OWN washer and dryer! i can do laundry WHENEVER I WANT! WITHOUT QUARTERS!!! oh...the excitement is uncontainable!
my mind is constantly going...what colors will we paint? how will we set everything up? who's going to be the first to visit and stay in the second bedroom? how fast can we make vegetables grow? how much is leo going to LOVE the backyard?!?!?!
all of that is completely overshadowing the fact that we have to pack. and have a garage sale. in the next couple of weeks.
did i mention the yard???