start by gathering the following...
- fabric scrap
- yarn or embroidery thread
- masking tape
- hole puncher
- something sharp to poke a hole with
- small cup
cut the fabric into a square... i did a 7" x 7" square...
place a piece of tape at each corner, and fold it under so there's tape on both sides of the fabric...
punch a hole in each corner on the tape...
cut four equal lengths of string, about 12" long...
tie one string through each hole...
poke four holes, spaced evenly, along the top of the cup...
thread string through each hole of the cup...
tie each string, so they're as even as possible...
and you have a completed parachute!
now, climb a good set of stairs...
add a firefighter...
and let him drop!
and keep repeating...