a little over a year ago, the idea of a treehouse started to brew.
a space for the kids to hide out... read a book... dream up imaginary worlds...
we have one little tree in the backyard, and it was just calling for some company :)
and so we began...
sometimes, we worked into the night...
we made slow, but steady progress...
learned a lot throughout the process...
dreamed of the things we'd do up there...
and the ideas became reality.
we added a way in...
and a pretty awesome way out...
collected some tree stumps for below for even more fun...
we made sure there was a way to make deliveries...
and added a sweet little path...
with some special messages...
and, after a lot of hard work, and some great memories...
our treehouse is complete.
we've since added a few little fun details here and there. but that's for another day.