Tuesday, December 27, 2011

a puppet theater...

this was a tough one to give away...

so i'm sure there will be another one being made soon.

after getting inspiration from here...

i thought my three little nieces would get a kick out of having a puppet theater of their own...

so i used a thrifted sheet for the main part, a t-shirt for the curtain, and some on hand fabric for the border of the window.  a curtain rod keeps it in place, and a dowel in the bottom of the window frame keeps the opening from sagging.

and here's what they got...

along with some sock puppets.

leo tried it all out, just to make sure all functioned properly :)

and then off to nj it all went!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

upcycled notebook...

the holiday crafting has begun...

not as feverishly as last year, considering we have a little bundle to think about...

but it's still going on...

starting with this...

i used an old t-shirt and some fabric scraps to cover up a composition notebook...

and added a little crayon holder on the back...

covered the insides with scraps, as well, to hide the fabric edges...

a portable drawing kit!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

liz scott jelly roll winner...

and the winner is...

melissa @ sew bittersweet designs!

congratulations, melissa!!!

thank you, everyone, for commenting...

and thank you, liz, for your generous giveaway!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

liz scott... tutorial & giveaway!!! (closed)

as you can see, i haven't been writing much lately.

over here, we've been working out the kinks of life...

in the meantime, i'm so excited to introduce someone...

meet liz scott!

awhile back, while searching for some cool fabrics, i came across her blog... and, to my surprise, and luck!, she lives just a few towns over from me!  what a small world!

liz was kind enough to package up bags and bags of scraps of the super cool fabrics that she designs, and give them a new home, right here, in my own fabric stash.  since then, i've used them in lots of my projects... like here... and here... and here... and i LOVE them!

now, aside from her fabrics, liz has some pretty awesome taste... check out her finds when she goes thrifting.  i've GOT to tag along with her one of these days.  now that i say that publicly, don't you HAVE to let me, liz??? pleeeaaase???!!!???

and lastly, in addition to all that creative talent liz has, she's such a sweet person... and a lovely mama, too.  since that meeting liz's wonderful home... we've kept in touch.  i'm so glad our paths have crossed!

and now, she has been kind enough to spread some of her creativity this way.  with my first guest post... and my first giveaway!  thank you, so much, liz!

Hi, my name is Liz Scott and I am doing a guest post here today on A Happy Wanderer. Isn't it awesome when online friends become real life pals? That is how it happened with Heather and I. I am a fabric designer and Heather found my website and blog one day and contacted me about purchasing a few bags of my fabric scraps. Turns out we both live in Los Angeles and she was able to pick up the scraps in person rather than have them shipped. I knew from the moment she pulled up in her blue Prius that we were going to be friends. We have stayed in contact ever since, sharing play dates and birthday parties. Heather's grace and presence in parenting is downright inspiring and it does my heart good to see such a lovely family grow from three to four. 

So, while Heather is busy with her little ones, lets talk fabric, shall we? I am a graphic designer by trade and love to sew and craft morning, noon and night. Somewhere around 3 years ago, I decided to switch my focus from paper products to fabric. I started designing, uploading and printing fabric with a service called Spoonflower and selling it in my Etsy shop. I was encouraged by the positive response that I received and realized I could get my designs out there to a larger audience if I licensed them to a fabric manufacturer. I contacted several of the bigger companies and Moda licensed my first line Sugar Pop! That was pretty amazing! And my second line Domestic Bliss is shipping to stores this month. Look for it in your favorite online fabric shops including Fabric Worm and Fat Quarter Shop

Here is a peek:

Would you like to win some? Awesome! Heather and I are doing a little giveaway. Leave a comment on this post (with your email address) and we will select one winner via random number generator to receive a Jelly Roll from the Domestic Bliss Line. We will close the comments on Friday the 16th at 5 pm PST and announce the winner on Saturday the 17th. Be sure to check back to see if you have won!

I also want to share with you a simple craft project that I have been doing a lot lately. These felt greeting cards are great to do with little ones and a snap to whip up. A few afternoons ago, I turned on the Christmas tree lights, brewed a cup of tea, and put on some jingle-y tunes and tried some holiday themed cards. Here is how you can make some too:

Felt Holiday Cards

You will need:

  • Felt in assorted colors. Wool felt is easier to work with, but I used a mix of both wool and synthetic here for the most color variety.
  • 8.5 x 11 card stock in different colors
  • Scissors for paper
  • ruler
  • Aleene's Original Tacky Glue
  • Micron marker
  • PDF pattern printout (or design your own)
Nice to have but not totally necessary:
  • Cutting mat
  • X acto knife
  • Embroidery scissors for cutting felt

1.Cut card stock in half widthwise so you have two pieces measuring 8.5 x 5.5. 

2. Fold each piece in half to make the card.

3. Print pattern pieces on a sheet of paper and cut them out.

4. Place pattern pieces right side down and trace pattern pieces onto felt using the Micron marker. Cut designs from the felt and turn over (this way you don't have to worry about any lingering marks from your marker) I like Micron markers because they have a superfine tip and offer better control when drawing on something as soft as felt. I use embroidery scissors to cut the designs from the felt because they have a small pointy tip and again, offer better control. Arrange your felt pieces on the card stock.

5. Dab glue on the back of the pieces of felt and apply to the card. No worries if you get a little messy with the glue, Aleene's dries clear. I love the stuff. 

6. Allow your cards to dry overnight or at least for a few hours. 

Enjoy! Try some of your own designs, too - gingerbread people, snowflakes, bells, ornaments, stars, etc.

I truly wish you and yours a season filled with love, magic, joy, peace, warmth and blessings.

thank you, so much liz, for your generosity!  and for sharing such an adorable idea!  

don't forget to leave a comment with your email address... and check back on saturday to see who the lucky winner is! 

 (comments closed)

Monday, December 12, 2011

something special...

things have been pretty quiet over here...

while we've been getting to know our little nory, the holidays  started to creep up on us...

but tomorrow...

i've got something exciting for you...

here's a little hint...

and one more...

see you tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

clearing out...

seems like the fog of newborn life is clearing...

we're getting back into a (little) groove...

understanding one another...

gathering ourselves.

aside from the readjusting to a family of three to a family of four...

from learning how to manage doing the little things i became so accustomed to...

like nap... the dishes... the laundry... walking out the door at a reasonable hour... brushing my teeth...

i also learned a little something else.

i get in my head.  a lot.

before being a mom, i was a teacher.  before being a teacher, i was a teacher's assistant.  before being a teacher's assistant, i volunteered working with children.

i have ALWAYS been around children.  whether it be work, or play, or life.

i've studied children.  i've listened to children.  i've theorized about children.  i've subscribed to blogs about the best ways to raise children.  i've read books about children.  many, many books.

and it's given me a lot of knowledge.  as well as a lot of experience.  and i'm grateful for that.  all of that knowledge and experience has helped me be the mom that i am today.  and it gives me the ability to question what i do... in a way that allows me to constantly seek improvement.  and, hopefully, not get stuck in my ways.

here's the kicker...

sometimes, i just want to forget it all.  just let it all go.

because it can keep me up at night.

it can keep my away from my children.

it can consume me in a way that's just not healthy.  and pull me from being present.  from being really, truly present.

instead of just being with leo, i'm thinking about which is the best  way to be with him.  instead of just sitting down and playing, i'm thinking about which way will allow him to grow the most in that situation.  instead of just communicating with him during a meltdown, i'm thinking about which exact words i should be using so that we all come out of it having learned something positive.

and it's EXHAUSTING.

and i'm missing a lot of moments.  and a lot of joy.

so, while i appreciate all of the things i've learned... all of the things i've read... all of the lessons i've taught...

it's time to relax.  to let go.  it's time to trust my gut sometimes, and just be.  without thinking.

to allow the joy in that is so easily blocked when it can't get past all the constant thinking that's going on.

and know, that i'm doing the best i can.

we all are.

Monday, November 21, 2011


we started with a pile of empty boxes...

found a good spot for them on the walkway...

built a pretty awesome tower...

then gave it a good swift kick...

when that didn't work, used our hands to knock it down...

which worked quite nicely...

admired the results...

then busily moved the boxes around...

here, there, and everywhere...

and just kept running back for more.

it eventually turned into just kicking the boxes as hard as we could all around the yard.

boy, did that feel good.

too good to take pictures, in fact.

give it a try :)