Sunday, June 28, 2009

who doesn't love free things?

One of the best things about living in the LA area is that there's lots of things to do...and it seems like I'm discovering more and more of these things now that I'm a mom. Today, we went to the Ultimate Healthy Parenting Party at the Pump Station in Santa Monica. And almost every time we go to something like stuff. And not just any free stuff...GOOD free stuff.

This time, the two things that put me over the edge...a pair of BabyLegs (in navy, ribbed...perfect for leo!), and SoapNuts! Yay for SoapNuts! I've been wanting to try these, but was always a little hesitant. And here they are, just sitting in the swag bag...for free. I can't wait till it's laundry day :)


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